Monday, June 14, 2010

The Feline Fan

Normally my art stories feature people around the world who have acquired my artwork. But this time the person or should I say purrrson is a cat...

Meet 'Rooney,' a kitten recently adopted by a friend of mine in New York. Rooney purrrrchased a piece of my artwork to start his own collection. (Too much?! Well I love puns so deal with it.)

It was no mistake that the piece he chose was a portrait of himself. At least he is a kitten with high self-esteem. And great taste... Thanks Rooney, I bet your art collection will one day be the cat's pajamas!

** If you have purchased, been gifted or possibly robbed a house where you stole Kate Cosgrove artwork, send me a photo of you & the piece (or your kid and the piece). I'll feature you on my blog! Be sure to include any important facts that make your story special!

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