Monday, September 23, 2019

But TV

I have a couple new kid books in the hopper, but of course to distract me from that work is this little collaboration film with my kiddo. If you like our collective nonsense, follow us on Instagram@JunicornStories!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Books & Pens, We're Going To Be Friends

It's almost Fall, friends! Cue song...
And I'm drawing all the silly thoughts that go through my head... Come check them out on Instagram@K8Cosgrove.

Bullfrogs n Barns n Noble

I had so much fun reading And The Bullfrogs Sing: A Life Cycle Begins (the book I illustrated, written by David L. Harrison, published by Holiday House ) at Barnes and Noble storytime! And then all my new kid-friends and I made frog wristbands. Here are a few shots from that bookstore adventure.