Monday, July 29, 2019

Bullfrog Launch

That one time when my mom loaned me a vintage sea foam dress (that my Grandma had sewn for her in the 60s) and I signed my debut picture book for a whole mess of people I love, in the prettiest pet store in the midwest and we all ate grasshopper brownies and tried not to tap on tanks full of webby-toed creatures and I exploded into a cloud of glitter....

And, scene.

My Bullfrog Buddy

Finally meeting this bullfrog in person has been my favorite part of the year!

Have you met him yet? You can pick up a copy wherever books are sold. Or check out at your local library!

Thank you Holiday House for gifting me the opportunity to illustrate this gorgeous picture book! Also, I love you.



My kid has been 'camping' in my home office this summer. So naturally we have started collaborating on these weird little movie-lets. Pop some corn & check them out! *SOUND UP!*

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Instagrammy Summer

I've been really slacking on blogging this spring/summer!  But I am trying to post new art regularly on Instagram.  Give me a follow:

With the release of two books that I have illustrated: And The Bullfrogs Sing and The Ghost of Blackbeard, it's been such an exciting and busy time!

Subsequently, all the balls (my balls?) are not successfully staying in the air ...

However, I'm in the process of scheduling some public storytimes and other fun bookstore / library events for the fall, so I'll be updating my blog with that information very soon!