Saturday, April 27, 2019

Analog Art

The Runaways by me
My PAINFULLY old Mac and Creative Suite design programs need a desperate upgrade. 

Since a grant was unfortunately not granted and a project paycheck was delayed, I've decided to hold a summer art sale with the hopes of raising cash to make new tech a reality.

Here are two of my favorite drawings so far that may make the cut for the big: Analog Art sale. More details to come!

Bullfrogs & Bookplates

 May brings Bullfrogs and bookplates. 

And The Bullfrogs Sing: A Life Cycle by David L. Harrison, illustrated by me and published by Holiday House drops the end of next month. But you can pre-order today wherever you buy books!

And keep an eye on this webby, because I'm going to be celebrating the big launch with a few neato bookplates and bullfroggy bookmarks! Supplies limited...

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Try TaHoney

Samesa, a really cool restaurant in Brooklyn, hired me to illustrate the "wall paper" artwork under the logo (not mine) for this great product called TaHoney. TaHoney is a delicious blend of tahini, honey and a pinch of salt. Perfect for snacking, smoothies and spreading! Buy TaHoney at these locations or you can order a jar on their website.
My design for Samesa's TaHoney spread
The full label, (logo not mine)